From what I've seen of Portlandia, Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein's show about Portland, I like it. Last night Scott and I went to what was billed as a Portlandia screening party sponsored by ZipCar which really ended up being a ZipCar party with Portlandia accessories. They only showed a few clips from the show and those clips are easily accessible on the internets. But we did get free bags of stuff, cheese and finger sandwiches so I guess all is right with the world.
About the show, I wonder if non-Portland people will find it as funny because there are definitely things in the show that are hysterical because of their accuracy, but they may not translate for people who don't know Portland. I guess we will find out. Also, on a slightly off on a tangent note, I think Fred Armisen is kind of creepy looking but I am trying to overlook that when judging the show.
Below are some links to the clips from the show. What do you think? I especially want to hear from my non-Portland readers (like I have readers plural, haha) if you think it's funny.
PS: We're headed to the Chocolate Festival tomorrow, so fingers crossed I remember to blog about it.