Everyone knows I love Baltimore. It's my home town and I love it warts and all. Baltimore is full of people I love, great seafood, and is full of history. I also love my new town Portland. It has so many great qualities. Many of those qualities are things Baltimore lacks like great public transportation, great environmental initiatives and great coffee.
Both towns are both great and I don't know that I could ever choose between the two, but Travel and Leisure didn't have my emotional attachment when evaluating my two towns. They evaluated what they deemed America's favorite cities and rated them on a multitude of levels. Then they added the fun feature of head to head comparisons. The Baltimore vs. Portland match-up can been seen by following this link. http://www.travelandleisure.com/americas-favorite-cities/2010/city/compare/portland-or/vs/baltimore
Spoiler alert: Portland wins. I am not sure all of the scores are accurate seeing as I have lived in both cities but most of them seem fair. The category however that bothers me most is People. I don't feel the results represent the people in Baltimore fairly and I would like to know exactly how they decided it ranks so low in the attractive, friendly and intelligent categories. While I know a few ugly, stupid and mean people in Baltimore the same could be said for Portland. Also Baltimore blows Portland out of the water in my most important criteria for judging people, reliability. So many people in Portland ARE NOT RELIABLE! I grow so tired of people saying one thing and doing another, especially when I am counting on or looking forward to the thing they said they were going to do.
So to all my friends in Baltimore I just want to say no one can ever touch you as the most reliable, friendly and intelligent people I know and I miss you. Can't wait for our visit in December. See you then.
Can't wait for December. We miss you too! :-)
Posted by: Jessica | November 12, 2010 at 04:09 PM