Portland is certainly a quirky city. It's no wonder they stole Austin's slogan and want to "Keep Portland Weird." Sometimes these oddities are endearing and sometimes they are just beyond all explanation. When Scott and I see such things we immediately turn to one another and say, That's so Portland."
I am going to try and update you all when I see things that are so Portland so that you too, can enjoy the quirkiness of this city. So without further ado, the most recent thing I saw that is SO Portland.
The plastic horses: This is my current favorite. Around the city you will find metal rings embedded in the curb that date back to when people rode their horses around. They are a nice historic aspect of the city, but someone has endeavored to make them even more interesting. They attach toy horses to these hooks throughout the city. I absolutely love it. This person is weird in a truly delightful way.
That is hilarious!
Posted by: Seth Keggins | February 03, 2010 at 04:35 PM
I like it!!
Posted by: Megsshots.blogspot.com | February 03, 2010 at 05:05 PM